I just talked to Greg. One of his coworkers somehow won twenty free tickets for Cap City Comedy Club on Friday night. He knew that was on my list so he nabbed two for us.
I guess I will soon cross #93 off of my list too. WooHoo!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
#69 Camp in Lost Maple State Park

We set up camp at the primitive site at almost the farthest site away from the trail head. We had beer brauts and s'mores for dinner before settling in to sleep. The night was chilly, which made snuggling up in our sleeping bags all the more cozy and tempting.

The next morning, we set out to hike the rest of the West trail. Some of the maple leaves were starting to change colors, but not many. I'd love to come back later in November, but its a 2.5 hour drive from Austin, which makes it one hell of a day trip. We had a great time with our friends Mark & Brianna. I hope this won't be the last of our camping trips. The hill country is gorgeous and there are many more parks to explore.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
#60 (again)
2 down, 48 to go.
I didn't realize it until just now, but the book I finished last night, Black and Blue, is yet another Oprah Book Club selection. That wasn't intentional, I swear!
Its a very real and poignant story about an abused wife and mother who has finally had enough and disappears with her 12-year-old son. They live in hiding from her NYC cop husband as they both learn to live as a normal family again. Its heart-rending and emotional, and I couldn't put it down. Two thumbs up.
I've now started a memoir called The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls for my second book club that meets in a few weeks. And at this rate, 50 books should be no problem.

I didn't realize it until just now, but the book I finished last night, Black and Blue, is yet another Oprah Book Club selection. That wasn't intentional, I swear!
Its a very real and poignant story about an abused wife and mother who has finally had enough and disappears with her 12-year-old son. They live in hiding from her NYC cop husband as they both learn to live as a normal family again. Its heart-rending and emotional, and I couldn't put it down. Two thumbs up.
I've now started a memoir called The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls for my second book club that meets in a few weeks. And at this rate, 50 books should be no problem.
Friday, October 19, 2007
#60 Read 50 books
One down, 49 to go.
A few weeks ago, I begrudgingly started this book. I say begrudgingly because when I first scanned the short write-up on amazon.com, I thought Oh God. A book about some bitter divorcee's journey to self-discovery and enlightenment.
I tend to find books like this too self-indulgent and flowery for my tastes. I'm sure it's cathartic for the writer to dive headfirst into their own little world and wallow in it for a good while - I'm guilty of the same thing every now and then, as I'm sure most people are. But I don't necessarily care to wade my way through someone else's fluff. There was also obviously going to be a strong religious element to the book, which I automatically (and prejudicially, I'll admit) equate with being preach-y. (Confession: I have a bit of emotional baggage where preach-y religious types are concerned.) No, thank you.
When my book club selected it for our next discussion, however, I was forced to pick it up. And, honestly, I'm so thankful that I did. I absolutely love it! What's funny is that I was on the phone with my sister last week, and she interupted herself to tell me Oh my God. I'm reading this great book. You have got to check it out. So my sister and I (...and Oprah ...and half of the U.S.) can whole-heartedly recommend it.
There is no preaching or holier-than-thou undertones to this book. There is some self-indulgence, but always tempered with an honest, self-depricating sense of humor. The best word I can think of for this work is 'inspiring'. I won't give away the entire book, but it follows the author as she splits up one year of her life amongst 3 different countries as she's trying to find balance. She basically rides out a premature mid-life crisis in the most amazing, adventurous way possible. I'm more than a little jealous...
Read it! You won't be sorry.
Now I'm on to Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen. I'm actually already halfway through the book because I had started it while waiting my turn to check out Eat, Pray, Love. This one's a goody too, and surprisingly, along the same lines.

A few weeks ago, I begrudgingly started this book. I say begrudgingly because when I first scanned the short write-up on amazon.com, I thought Oh God. A book about some bitter divorcee's journey to self-discovery and enlightenment.
I tend to find books like this too self-indulgent and flowery for my tastes. I'm sure it's cathartic for the writer to dive headfirst into their own little world and wallow in it for a good while - I'm guilty of the same thing every now and then, as I'm sure most people are. But I don't necessarily care to wade my way through someone else's fluff. There was also obviously going to be a strong religious element to the book, which I automatically (and prejudicially, I'll admit) equate with being preach-y. (Confession: I have a bit of emotional baggage where preach-y religious types are concerned.) No, thank you.
When my book club selected it for our next discussion, however, I was forced to pick it up. And, honestly, I'm so thankful that I did. I absolutely love it! What's funny is that I was on the phone with my sister last week, and she interupted herself to tell me Oh my God. I'm reading this great book. You have got to check it out. So my sister and I (...and Oprah ...and half of the U.S.) can whole-heartedly recommend it.
Read it! You won't be sorry.
Now I'm on to Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen. I'm actually already halfway through the book because I had started it while waiting my turn to check out Eat, Pray, Love. This one's a goody too, and surprisingly, along the same lines.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
#52 Score a soccer goal for my team
No, I did NOT score a goal during tonight's game. But that would be difficult seeing as how I was on defense the entire match. But I have to say, Greg was right. The cleats definitely helped. I'm improving with every game. Somehow I managed to steal the ball a few times and passed it back to our players, rather than the usual blindly desparate kick into dead space. Aside from one guy knocking me on my butt, I think I did a pretty good job. I can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. :)
Next game, its on baby! I'm playing offense, and I'm going to kick some serious arse!
Next game, its on baby! I'm playing offense, and I'm going to kick some serious arse!
#99 Print the list and hang it
I've printed two copies - one for my bathroom at home (our refrigerator is too clogged) and one for work. When I start a task that will last all week or all month, I'll highlight it to remind me to pay particular attention. And as I complete a task, I'll cross it off the list. There's something deeply satisfying about crossing items off a list - a real sense of accomplishment...
...even if its for a task as trivial as pressing the print button on your computer.
...even if its for a task as trivial as pressing the print button on your computer.
Monday, October 15, 2007
#42 Buy sexy, black FMB's
Wouldn't you know it... My first accomplished task involves buying new shoes.
I found these little babies while shopping with Greg on Sunday. They're by Tahari and were 60% off!

I also bought another pair of shoes on Sunday, but these were at Greg's absolute insistence, believe it or not... We stopped at Academy and bought a pair of Puma cleats for soccer. I swear, he was much more excited about this purchase than I was. But hopefully, they will help me accomplish goal #52, score a soccer goal for my team. We have our 7th match tomorrow. I'll see how much this improves my game. Greg swears they'll transform me into Super Woman.
I found these little babies while shopping with Greg on Sunday. They're by Tahari and were 60% off!

I also bought another pair of shoes on Sunday, but these were at Greg's absolute insistence, believe it or not... We stopped at Academy and bought a pair of Puma cleats for soccer. I swear, he was much more excited about this purchase than I was. But hopefully, they will help me accomplish goal #52, score a soccer goal for my team. We have our 7th match tomorrow. I'll see how much this improves my game. Greg swears they'll transform me into Super Woman.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The List
Family & Friends
1. Start TTC.
2. Finish our wedding album.
3. Finish wedding albums for moms.
4. Write a will.
5. Take my husband to visit my home town - in the 5 years we've been together, I haven't done this. Oops...
6. Mail holiday greeting cards on time.
7. Beat Greg at darts.
8. Take Greg to a couple's massage.
9. Funkify our guest bathroom.
10. Xeroscape our front yard.
11. Sew my own curtains.
12. Retile kitchen backsplash.
13. Tile the upstairs bathroom floor.
14. Sew my own throw pillows.
15. Refinish front door and paint it an auspicious red.
16. Strip every last scrap of wallpaper from our home.
17. Grow an herb garden.
18. Learn how to program the thermostat.
19. Chop down dead bushes in the back yard.
20. Plant climbing roses, hollyhocks, and yellow bells around the deck.
21. Buy new dining table and chairs.
22. Paint office walls.
Make the World a Better Place
23. Volunteer for conservation efforts.
24. Buy a hybrid.
25. Donate blood.
26. Say hello to the bus driver every day.
27. Vote in all local elections.
28. Learn CPR.
29. Smile at strangers for one week. Well, except the scary ones.
30. Volunteer at a local race.
Just for Me
31. Graduate with my PhD.
32. Learn guitar.
33. Learn and perform surface plasmon resonance experiments.
34. Obtain a scientific teaching position.
35. Get a facial.
36. Make a 100+ things that make me happy list.
37. Finish watching all episodes of Alias.
38. Purge 101 items from my life.
39. Take the mensa test.
40. Be able to sit Indian-style comfortably - I've never been able to do this...
41. One week, no T.V.
42. Find sexy, black FMB's.
43. Get new glasses.
44. Sew a quilt of all my running t-shirts.
45. Limit at-home computer use to one hour per day for a month (unless its for legit work!).
Health & Fitness
46. Beat my marathon PR of 4:31:28.
47. Run a 5K in sub 8-minute-miles.
48. Compete in an Olympic distance triathlon.
49. Wake up at 6:30 a.m. every weekday for 1 month.
50. Attend Austin Fit runs.
51. Ride in the MS100.
52. Score a soccer goal for my team.
53. Update immunizations.
54. No fast food for one month.
55. Take a multivitamin every day for one month.
56. Go vegetarian for one month.
Intellectual Pursuits
57. Practice French with someone.
58. Learn Spanish.
59. Learn basic Polish.
60. Read 50 books.
61. Read a book of poetry.
Cultural Pursuits
62. See an opera.
63. Watch a play at the Paramount.
64. See the Blue Man Group.
65. See a musical.
Adventure & Travel
66. Visit Asia.
67. Explore NYC.
68. Take a hot air balloon ride.
69. Camp in Lost Maples State Park during the fall.
70. Take a road trip to a state I've never been before.
71. Revisit Boulder.
72. Visit Auschwitz.
73. Update my passport.
Try Something New
74. Dye my hair.
75. Become scuba diving certified.
76. Submit a juicy secret to PostSecret.
77. Knit a sweater.
78. Buy an SLR camera.
79. Learn how to use SLR camera.
80. Learn to make creme brulee.
81. Attend a book signing.
82. See an IMAX movie.
83. Make a hanging mobile.
84. Submit a kitty picture to icanhascheezburger.com.
85. Ride a mechanical bull.
Around Austin
86. See the Congress Avenue bats.
87. Tour the state capitol.
88. Cruise South Congress on 1st Thursday.
89. Swim in Deep Eddy.
90. Spend a night at Hotel San Jose.
91. Enjoy the gospel brunch at Stubb's.
92. Visit 20 new restaurants.
93. Night out at Capitol City Comedy Club.
94. Randomly pick a local band concert from the Chronicle.
95. Write a scathing complaint letter to U.S. Airways.
96. Buy a laptop.
97. Compile a cookbook of my fave recipes.
98. Organize photos.
And Finally...
99. Print this list and hang it in the bathroom.
100. Blog about all 101 accomplishments.
101. On July 12, 2010, make a new 101 in 1001 days list.
1. Start TTC.
2. Finish our wedding album.
3. Finish wedding albums for moms.
4. Write a will.
5. Take my husband to visit my home town - in the 5 years we've been together, I haven't done this. Oops...
6. Mail holiday greeting cards on time.
7. Beat Greg at darts.
8. Take Greg to a couple's massage.
9. Funkify our guest bathroom.
10. Xeroscape our front yard.
11. Sew my own curtains.
12. Retile kitchen backsplash.
13. Tile the upstairs bathroom floor.
14. Sew my own throw pillows.
15. Refinish front door and paint it an auspicious red.
16. Strip every last scrap of wallpaper from our home.
17. Grow an herb garden.
18. Learn how to program the thermostat.
19. Chop down dead bushes in the back yard.
20. Plant climbing roses, hollyhocks, and yellow bells around the deck.
21. Buy new dining table and chairs.
22. Paint office walls.
Make the World a Better Place
23. Volunteer for conservation efforts.
24. Buy a hybrid.
25. Donate blood.
26. Say hello to the bus driver every day.
27. Vote in all local elections.
28. Learn CPR.
29. Smile at strangers for one week. Well, except the scary ones.
30. Volunteer at a local race.
Just for Me
31. Graduate with my PhD.
32. Learn guitar.
33. Learn and perform surface plasmon resonance experiments.
34. Obtain a scientific teaching position.
35. Get a facial.
36. Make a 100+ things that make me happy list.
37. Finish watching all episodes of Alias.
38. Purge 101 items from my life.
39. Take the mensa test.
40. Be able to sit Indian-style comfortably - I've never been able to do this...
41. One week, no T.V.
42. Find sexy, black FMB's.
43. Get new glasses.
44. Sew a quilt of all my running t-shirts.
45. Limit at-home computer use to one hour per day for a month (unless its for legit work!).
Health & Fitness
46. Beat my marathon PR of 4:31:28.
47. Run a 5K in sub 8-minute-miles.
48. Compete in an Olympic distance triathlon.
49. Wake up at 6:30 a.m. every weekday for 1 month.
50. Attend Austin Fit runs.
51. Ride in the MS100.
52. Score a soccer goal for my team.
53. Update immunizations.
54. No fast food for one month.
55. Take a multivitamin every day for one month.
56. Go vegetarian for one month.
Intellectual Pursuits
57. Practice French with someone.
58. Learn Spanish.
59. Learn basic Polish.
60. Read 50 books.
61. Read a book of poetry.
Cultural Pursuits
62. See an opera.
63. Watch a play at the Paramount.
64. See the Blue Man Group.
65. See a musical.
Adventure & Travel
66. Visit Asia.
67. Explore NYC.
68. Take a hot air balloon ride.
69. Camp in Lost Maples State Park during the fall.
70. Take a road trip to a state I've never been before.
71. Revisit Boulder.
72. Visit Auschwitz.
73. Update my passport.
Try Something New
74. Dye my hair.
75. Become scuba diving certified.
76. Submit a juicy secret to PostSecret.
77. Knit a sweater.
78. Buy an SLR camera.
79. Learn how to use SLR camera.
80. Learn to make creme brulee.
81. Attend a book signing.
82. See an IMAX movie.
83. Make a hanging mobile.
84. Submit a kitty picture to icanhascheezburger.com.
85. Ride a mechanical bull.
Around Austin
86. See the Congress Avenue bats.
87. Tour the state capitol.
88. Cruise South Congress on 1st Thursday.
89. Swim in Deep Eddy.
90. Spend a night at Hotel San Jose.
91. Enjoy the gospel brunch at Stubb's.
92. Visit 20 new restaurants.
93. Night out at Capitol City Comedy Club.
94. Randomly pick a local band concert from the Chronicle.
95. Write a scathing complaint letter to U.S. Airways.
96. Buy a laptop.
97. Compile a cookbook of my fave recipes.
98. Organize photos.
And Finally...
99. Print this list and hang it in the bathroom.
100. Blog about all 101 accomplishments.
101. On July 12, 2010, make a new 101 in 1001 days list.
The Beginning
I love lists.
I love setting goals.
I love trying new things.
I love challenging myself.
So when I found out about the 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days Project, I jumped at it. So here's the deal. You have to set 101 goals for yourself and complete them within 1001 days - that's about 2 years and 9.5 months. A lot can be accomplished in almost 3 years.
The goals need to actually be something measurable and finite so you can check them off your list as you go. The goals also need to be both realistic and yet challenging.
I'm maintaining this blog as a record of my accomplishments (or at least attempts) in the hope that it will give me equal parts accountability and motivation. With any luck, I will be happily surprised by my productivity and growth at the end of this adventure. I can't wait to get started!
Officially, my countdown begins tomorrow. It ends on July 11, 2010. That seems so far away, doesn't it. But knowing me, I better get started right away. Wish me luck!
I love setting goals.
I love trying new things.
I love challenging myself.
So when I found out about the 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days Project, I jumped at it. So here's the deal. You have to set 101 goals for yourself and complete them within 1001 days - that's about 2 years and 9.5 months. A lot can be accomplished in almost 3 years.
The goals need to actually be something measurable and finite so you can check them off your list as you go. The goals also need to be both realistic and yet challenging.
I'm maintaining this blog as a record of my accomplishments (or at least attempts) in the hope that it will give me equal parts accountability and motivation. With any luck, I will be happily surprised by my productivity and growth at the end of this adventure. I can't wait to get started!
Officially, my countdown begins tomorrow. It ends on July 11, 2010. That seems so far away, doesn't it. But knowing me, I better get started right away. Wish me luck!
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