Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Progress Report

So you won't think I'm completely slacking on my list, I thought an update was in order.

#2 - Make wedding albums for the moms. I've started going through the 700+ digital pictures, cropping them to standard picture size, adjusting colors, etc, etc. My goal is to finish these in time to give them as Christmas presents, but that is going to be difficult at best...

#6 - Send Christmas cards on time. I've got many done. I'm just verifying addresses and then adding the stamps. Hope to make more progress on this tonight!

#26 - Say hello to the bus drivers. So far I'm succeeding in giving each and every one of them at least a 'hi' when I walk on the bus. Although there is at least one that I find extremely irritating. He's one of those severe sticklers to the rules, bordering on ridiculous at times. He won't allow anyone to stand in the aisle so if every seat is taken, you're shit out of luck. Even if its cold and raining outside and the next bus won't come for another 40 minutes. He actually pulled over the bus one day to march to the very back seat to inform the guy that he couldn't lay down across the seats. Are we back in elementary school because, seriously, that was the last time that happened in my bus-riding experience. Whatever... Everyone else is cool.

#95 - Write a scathing complaint letter to U.S. Airways. I've handed over the bulk of this responsibility to Greg. I unearthed the notes we took during our ordeal - yes, I totally took detailed notes so as not miss a single ridiculous moment. He'll write the letter, and I'll proofread and add in the extra withering condemnations as they come to me. I'll be sure to post it in its entirety when its done. But do yourself a favor and never ever fly with U.S. Airways. EVER!

Hopefully we can wrap up some of these projects in the next week! Wish us luck!


Juicy said...

Now I'm dying to know what happened on US Airways! Was this something you posted on the nest? I must have missed that post. Dang.

Larisa said...

I was probably too frustrated to post it on the nest. Every time I thought about it, my blood would boil so I thought it would be healthier to give it some time. I'll post the letter itself with full details here once we actually finish it.